At a Glance – in this newsletter:
• Works Shutdown – 27th May to the 16th June, 2024
• Announced Allocation – 73%
• Change to the EICL Distribution Contract – addition of Modern Slavery clause (3 months’ notice).
• Annual General Meeting – 7:30pm, 20th November 2024 at the Eton RFS shed.
• Acrolein Injection Program – Dates to be advised later.
• Water Ordering – 24 hours’ notice as per the rules, will be enforced.
• Weekly Crop Water Use SMS – Weekly SMS from EICL to assist with irrigation scheduling.
Works Shutdown
A 3-week shutdown will occur so that works can be completed on the system from the
27th May to the 16th June, 2024
Please ensure that you have enough water in storage to meet your needs over that period.
Irrigators are advised to use this period while the water is down, to check their meter outlet (the inlet to their on-farm system) and clean out any mud or debris that may be blocking it.
Announced Allocation
The Announced Allocation increased by 8% on the 1st January to 94% and another 6% on the 1st February to 100%. The opening Announced Allocation was 73% on the 1st April.
Change to the EICL Distribution Contract
To keep up to date with modern ideals and after legal advice, the Board has approved a change to our Standard Distribution Contract with regard to Modern Slavery. EICL will add a Modern Slavery clause to the contract at clause 30. Current clause 30, Miscellaneous to be renumbered to 31. Listed below is a copy of the clause. Our website will be updated to reflect this change at the end of the required three-month notice period.
EICL will hold its Annual General Meeting at 7:30pm on the 20th November, 2024 at the Eton Fire Shed.
Update on items raised at last year’s AGM:
• Check approximate investment return figure increase over a long time eg. 70 years – the GM and Board have been reviewing the Investment Policy and talked to other advisors to inform that review. Any changes will be factored into this analysis and the long term forecasts will be presented at the AGM.
• Minimum ML holding to become a member of EICL – the GM and Board have been working through this with our legal adviser. Any possible option will be prepared well prior to the AGM (for voting at the AGM) if a satisfactory option can be constructed.
• Weeding options – progress on alternatives, shortening lead times, timing and cost comparisons will be presented at the AGM.
• Irrigatable water – No reference to irrigatable water, irrigable water or water quality standards has been found in our rules and contracts. EICL will continue to investigate and work with customers around water quality standards to find a satisfactory outcome.
Acrolein Injection Program
Due to weather conditions and demand the Acrolein injection planned for December did not proceed. An injection was carried out in March – water demand in the week before and the week after was minimal. No further injections are planned until after the shutdown. Customers will be advised once dates are determined.
Water Ordering
A reminder that the Board has instructed EICL staff that the 24 hours’ water ordering notice period as defined in the Scheme Distribution Rules and Service Targets is to be strictly enforced. Water orders on 07 4977 5840 stating:
• outlet number
• start date/time
• flow rate or total volume
• duration or stop date/time
Weekly Crop Water Use SMS
EICL sends an SMS each week to our customers with the sugar cane crop water use figures. Please contact Eton Irrigation on 07 49775850 if you do not want to receive the SMS.
Austin Evans
GM Eton Irrigation
0427 277 906