The Eton water supply scheme is located south west of Mackay, near the town of Eton.
The Kinchant Dam (capacity 62,800 ML) is the only infrastructure that provides storage for the scheme’s water. It pumps water from the Pioneer River and captures flows from Sandy Creek.
Three pump stations at Mirani Weir discharges water into the Mirani Diversion Channel, which runs for 8 km all the way into the Pioneer River. Nine submersible pumps in total operate at these pump stations (910 ML a day maximum capacity).
A channel system that stretches for 35 km, together with 130 km of pipelines, distribute and deliver the water to customers.
The water supplied by the Eton scheme is mainly used to irrigate the sugar cane in this sugar-growing area – more than 300 cane growers are customers of this scheme.